Tis’ the season to give back with TLC Animal Aid!
Every year here at Brimstone Games we like to host a charity event for our local animal rescue group - TLC Animal Aid.
This year, with everything going on – we are sad to announce we will not be able to host an event and have the cutest furry little visitors, but that doesn’t mean we won’t be doing something!
Starting Friday December 4th 2020 we will be a “Drop off” point for things that TLC has on their wish-list.
If you are able to make donations – you will receive a $5 coupon (one time use - $20 or more purchase) and be added into a draw that will happen on December 23rd for a Merch Bundle - your pick of a Sweater, shirt and hat.
Items that they are specifically looking for are as follows – but anything is appreciated.

Thank you all for you continued support!